Carrie Lucarini


Traci is an on fire, sold out believer in Jesus Christ. Her passion is to bring people into the Kingdom of God, to see them saved, healed, and set free from all demonic bondage and torment in Jesus name! Her vision is to see believers filled with the fire, power, and authority of the Holy Spirit, walking out in boldness their God-given assignments to share the Gospel with the world and rise up as the army that they are to stand against the kingdom of darkness.

my story


So I started Kingdom University at zero subscribers/followers. It took me 60 days to hit 1,000 subs on Youtube, but 22 days later I was at 100K subscribers! Seven and a half months into the program I hit 1M subs on Youtube, and at one and a half years crossed over 4M–over 5M followers across all platforms. More importantly, over 90,000 people declared that they have given their lives to Jesus! That is supernatural!! The BEST thing about doing ministry online is that it is the fulfillment of my life's desire which is to share the gospel and win souls EVERY SINGLE DAY (even in my sleep since my videos don’t!). God continues to grow us and expand the vision for where He is leading the ministry and our family. All glory to Him!

I began online social media on February 22, 2023. After praying and asking God to allow me to be a part of end time revival, I came across an ad by Evangelist Taylan Michael for the Kingdom Accelerator Program (now the Kingdom University). He was showing Christians how to grow their social media and win souls online. Although I had no desire to do online ministry, I felt the power of God hit me listening to Evangelist Taylan speak and as I prayed about whether or not I should join, I heard the Lord say, “Well, you said you wanted to be a part of revival.” 


Partner with us as we witness God touch the ends of the earth through engaging online content that reaches the next generation with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Let's Do It